Archive for Illustration Friday


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on May 17, 2014 by Rose Green


The theme for Illustration Friday this week is Retro. What could be more retro than a self portrait, Neanderthal style? Recent DNA evidence suggests that many of us have a little Neanderthal in us. They were smart, somewhat more robust than us to deal with a very cold northern climate, possibly could not say the same vowels as us with their throat structure, but were apparently musical. So here’s a look back in time for the theme of Retro.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on March 19, 2011 by Rose Green


Posted in Uncategorized with tags on October 24, 2009 by Rose Green

I’ve missed a couple weeks due to everyone in my house having the flu, but I’m back with “Fast.” I like the composition, but I don’t like the coloring at all. Partly it’s due to the scanning and materials–non-art-grade colored pencil on the equivalent of printer paper–but part of it is my general ignorance of atmospheric perspective and color theory. So uh, I’m open to constructive criticism here.

Babies are ALWAYS faster than their parents when it comes to getting into things!IF-fast

Illustration Friday: Strong

Posted in Illustration with tags on September 5, 2009 by Rose Green


Babies have to have incredibly strong persistence to try so many impossible things each day. Every time they fall, they get up and try again. Every time they fail to lift something heavy, they try again. The fact that they are small and the mountain is huge has simply never entered their heads.